Shopping for Students Abroad

As I have discussed in previous blogs, living abroad so far from your family and the comfort of familiar things can be really hard. I know that I am nervous to be all on my own in a place where I don’t fully understand the language or the culture.

As I have prepared myself for this big adventure, and learned more about where I will be living in Verona, one thought came to my mind: Where will I buy all of my groceries and other house hold items?!

With that question floating around in my mind, I have begun looking around my house at the larger items that I use in my daily life. These items help me organize my belongings and I have begun thinking abut how will I find similar items that I can purchase while in Italy?

If you are having the same questions and worries fret not! I have done some serious research on the best places to purchase groceries and other home good items while in Italy.

Photo by Lorenzo Messina:

Unlike pharmacies in America that sell more than just medicine and other health care, pharmacies in Italy are just that, pharmacies. They only sell medicines and other health care items.

Sometimes you can find a large pharmacy in Italy that has a few other luxury items such as skin care or make-up, but it is not recommended you purchase those items here because they can be priced more expensive.

Another thing that I want to include about pharmacies is that this is the only place where you can purchase medicine. Most pharmacies are also not 24h like they are in the states, so be cautious of that. Although some pharmacies in the larger cities will be 24h.


There are a ton of grocery store chains scattered across Italy. These grocery stores include large supermarkets that will carry a large variety of foods and maybe even some home goods items and toiletries. Smaller supermarkets will only sell food.

Larger supermarkets are mostly located in the largest cities such as Rome and Milan, while the smaller more grocery store types will be found in the city centers other cities.

Some of the larger supermarket chains are Coop, Esselunga, Carrefour, Conad, Lidl, Eurospin, Pam and Crai.


A home goods store in Italy is called a “casalinghi”. It is actually not the name of the store, only the type of store. These types of stores sell a variety of things like a Target, but without the food and medicine.

There are a variety of these stores all around Italy and you can type in “casalinghi” into google and a variety of stores like this will pop up.

Casalinghi stores in Verona include but aren’t limited to Barazzoni Outlet, Eurostore Verona, Tutto Stock and Kasanova.

Some larger home goods chains include Cain Casa, Maison du Monde, Mondo Convenienza, Zara home and of course Amazon. But make sure you are using, and I suggest you use this if you have no other options.


These stores are called “cartolerias” in Italy. Here you can purchase all types of office supplies, school supplies, cards, packing materials, art supplies and wrapping paper.

You can also print and copy things at these stores as well. Just like with the home goods stores, you can search up cartoleria stores in google and you will be directed to any that are nearest to you.


Familiar fast-fashion brands such as Zara and H&M are most common in Italy and can be found in any city shopping center. Around Verona and throughout Italy, you can also find so many smaller vintage boutiques and stores around every corner.

If high-end fashion is what you are seeking, search up a luxury outlet mall in google and it will show you the nearest one. If you are in Verona, the closest luxury mall is in Milan.


For all my girlies that aren’t buying refills of their makeup that they may need, there are plenty of makeup stores in Italy so don’t worry!

These stores also carry many wellness items as well such as body wash, shampoo/conditioner and household cleaners.

Tigota, Acqua & Sapone and Caddy’s are the largest make up stores in Italy and are located all around Italy. Tigota and Sapone are mainly found in norther Italy, so if you are going to Verona those are the stores you should be looking for. Acqua & Sapone is partial to the south, but they do happen to have one in Milan which is close to Verona so I decided to mention it.

While those are the main stores some others that can be found in Italy, but not as frequent are Sephora, Douglas, Coin, Kiko and Wycon Cosmetics.


In Italy not everything is open all day/night like they may be in the states. Most stores in Italy will close early on Sunday or just be closed for the whole day. It will definitely be an adjustment to plan out my grocery shopping.

Along with being closed on Sundays, most smaller businesses and restaurants will be closed during the day from 12:30pm-3:30pm for something known as “pausa”.

Pausa is when stores will close up to eat, rest and reset. They will open later in the day for services that will happen at night.

I hope this blog gave you a little more insight into how you can get your shopping and essentials as a student abroad!

Feel free to check out this amazing YouTube video by Tia Taylor for some storage tips!

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